Dermal Filler,Dermal Filler Treatment in Delhi/NCR,Dermal Filler Treatment in New Delhi

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Dermal Fillers

Injectable dermal fillers can give you a more youthful look for a fraction of what a traditional face lift costs. Most will fill lines and wrinkles in less than 30 minutes with results that can last from four months to more than a year.

Injectable wrinkle fillers, unlike Botox injections that relax the muscle under a wrinkle, fill the line or crease with one of several different substances. As a result, the line or crease seems to have nearly disappeared. Wrinkle fillers can also be used as "volumizers," plumping and lifting cheeks, filling out thin lips, and plumping sagging hands.

Not every wrinkle is right for every type of wrinkle filler. The least risks and best results come from using the right wrinkle filler correctly. That's one reason why you should only have wrinkle fillers injected by a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

To help you discuss your options with your doctor, here is a breakdown of the wrinkle fillers currently available. It includes their basic ingredients, how they work, their risks and benefits, and the best areas for treatment. Your doctor can help you choose the right one for you.

Dermal fillers can be used to:

  • Define lips
  • Minimise vertical lip lines (smokers lines)
  • Fill lips/increase fullness
  • Restore asymmetry in the lips, cheeks or brow area
  • Disguise nasal irregularity/deformity
  • Restore volume to the midface area
  • Minimise jowls
  • Fill infra-orbital eye hollows
  • Fill tear trough hollows
  • Fill temple hollows
  • Lift wrinkles
  • Lift scars (including acne scars and fat necrosis scars)
  • Hydrate skin
  • Hydrate the backs of hands
  • Hydrate the décolletage area
  • Hyaluronic Acid Wrinkle Fillers

The most popular category of wrinkle fillers is hyaluronic acid. Each type of hyaluronic acid wrinkle filler works in a slightly different way with varying results.

Side effects are rare, but they can include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site. The filler may also be seen beneath the skin as tiny bumps. This is a problem that often improves over time.

How long the results last varies from several months to over a year. Some research shows that repeated injections may help stimulate the body's own natural production of collagen. That will help reduce the number of lines and wrinkles. There is also some evidence that less filler is needed over time to achieve the same look

Question What are dermal fillers?
Answer Dermal fillers are gels with a hyaluronic acid base, which can be injected into certain areas of your face to either correct wrinkles, fill in deep scars or non-surgically change the shape of certain parts of your face. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the body, and over time the dermal filler breaks down via normal body processes.
QuestionHow are dermal fillers different?
Answer Compared to other wrinkle correction methods, dermal fillers allow greater precision in wrinkle correction, and can more effectively treat medium to deep wrinkles. They do not cause any loss of ability to contract your facial muscles.

Compared to other scarring treatments, dermal fillers allow more effective treatment of boxcar scars, deep divots and icepick scars.

Compared to other methods of changing the shape of your face (such as your nose, lips or cheeks), dermal fillers offer the advantage of being non-permanent and creating a generally more youthful look. Rhinoplasty carries its own major risks, and facelifts often create an overtight look. Dermal fillers allow you to experiment with different facial changes in a non-permanent way.

Question How will I know which Dermal Filler is right for me?
Answer The choice of filler will be determined by a number of factors, such as:
  • The area to be treated
  • The result sought
  • The duration of result sought
  • The patient’s skin type
  • The age of the patient
  • The social ‘downtime’ available
  • The volume of product needed
  • The patient’s budget
Question What are the benefits?
Answer The benefits of using dermal fillers include:
  • Fillers can reliably treat wrinkles at depths that other methods cannot
  • They are biocompatible and rarely cause reactions
  • The fillers can be dissolved by injection if there are any problems
  • They are non-invasive compared to surgical solutions
Question What are the risks?
Answer Ordinary side effects following dermal filler injections include swelling, redness, bruising and mild asymmetry as the inflammation settles down.

There is also a risk of asymmetry developing after the filler injections, but this is completely correctable and generally minimal.

Very rarely, more serious side effects occur. These can include:

  • Tissue death in the glabellar region
  • Granuloma
  • Hypersensitivity
Question How many dermal filler treatments will I need?
Answer A single treatment every 9-12 months is needed.
Question What happens during dermal filler injections?
Answer The usual procedure for patients looking to lift and liven their face with dermal fillers is:
  • You'll speak with the doctor or nurse about your background and medical history at your initial consultation
  • A treatment plan will be devised, which sets out how we can use dermal fillers (possibly in conjunction with other techniques and tools) to create the face that you want
  • At your dermal filler appointment:
    • The dermal filler product we use contains a local anaesthetic that makes the injection comfortable.
    • The area to be injected is marked out
    • The dermal fillers are injected, and we apply cold packs immediately afterwards.
    • Mineral make-up completes the look and allows you to resume your daily activity.
  • The procedure takes about 30-60 minutes in total, depending on the size of the area to be treated.
Question Is it painful?
  • Local anaesthesia can be used if necessary, although it isn't needed for all patients.
  • Without local anaesthesia, we would rate the pain of dermal filler injections at around 2.5/10.
  • With local anaesthesia, we would rate the pain of dermal filler injections at around 0.5/10.
Question What should I expect after treatment?
Answer Much of the difference you see after your initial dermal filler injection will be due to swelling; you should see the 'real' results after about 3 days. You'll be able to return to work and wear makeup immediately afterwards, although we recommend you don't commit yourself to any activities after your first-ever appointment.
Question What precautions should I take after treatment?
Answer You should avoid the following for the at least 24 hours:
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • It is also recommended to avoid for two weeks:
  • Extended exposure to sun or uv light
  • Extended exposure to heat or freezing temperatures
  • Exposure to any of the above may cause temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the injection sites. If you have swelling at the injection site you can apply an ice pack for a brief period.

It is recommended not to apply make-up for 12 hours after the injection.

Mid-face and Cheek Filler

Are you looking for a more youthful, fuller look in the cheek area?

Pulastya Skin Clinic now introduces Volumising fillers, the fillers to correct age-related volume loss in the midface. Columising fillers are made with a modified hyaluronic acid, derived from a naturally occurring complex sugar.

As we age, the curves of our cheeks begin to lose volume, causing them to sag and appear sunken. Volumising fillers work instantly to help restore your cheek contour with a subtle lift. With optimal treatment, natural-looking results last up to 2 years.

The midface is the area of the face under the eyes and alongside the nose. This area can be the first sign of aging since it is the area where the 'bags under the eyes happen' and where the 'grooves or folds' alongside the nose and mouth occur. Both of these aging changes are the result of the descent of the 'cheek pad/cheek fat'. It makes sense to simply 'reposition the cheek pad to where it came from' and restore a very natural and refreshed look to this part of the face. Since the eyes are a focus during conversation, one can expect people to comment such things as 'you sure look rested; or simply, 'you look great'.

Mid face lift provides a natural and youthful appearance without an overdone or pulled look. Most persons who want a lower eyelid procedure, are usually focused on this area. Once they appreciate the reasoning for the development of aging changes in the lower lid area, they can appreciate the midface/cheek pad lift.

Fillers Recovery

  • Cold compresses may be used immediately after treatment to reduce swelling.
  • You may experience some redness, tenderness, firmness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. These side effects tend to be mild to moderate, and subside within a week after treatment.
  • Avoid touching the treated area for six hours after treatment.
  • Avoid intense heat, such as that from a sun lamp or sun bathing, until there is no more redness or swelling.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St. John's Wort, and high doses of Vitamin E supplements for a week after being treated to minimize the chance of bruising.
  • You may resume most normal activities immediately after treatment.

Fillers result

  • Immediate results that only improves over the week after treatment.
  • Natural-looking, softened, more youthful appearance.

Augmentation of the lip has been performed for cosmetic reasons for ages. Women of all ethnic and social backgrounds have applied cosmetics to their lips to define or alter their appearance since the Stone Age.

Enhancing the lips is one of the procedures that can be done, which can have a huge impact on the overall youthful rejuvenation of the entire face. By restoring the volume that has naturally been lost over time, a refreshed and youthful appearance can be achieved.

Question What causes lip aging?
Answer Full, well defined lips are associated with youth and beauty. Unfortunately as we age our lips thin and become deflated, dry and wrinkled. With time the upper lip lengthens, lines often develop above and around the lips and the corners of the mouth turn downward. Genetics, sun exposure, gender and smoking contribute to aging of the lips. Perioral wrinkling or lines around the lips are accentuated in women and individuals who smoke or who have had excessive sun exposure.
QuestionWhat is Perfect Lip?
Answer The ideal lip is smooth, symmetrical, soft and plump. The youthful lip border is sharp with the volume of the lip greater in the middle and tapering laterally. The lower lip is fuller than the upper lip with a natural dumbbell undulation.
Question What is Lip augmentation?
Answer Lip augmentation is a non-surgical treatment where a filler substance is injected into your lips to add volume and to correct any asymmetry that you may have Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that can give you fuller, plumper lips.

These days, an injectable dermal filler is the most commonly used method of lip augmentation.

There are many types of dermal fillers that can be injected in your lips and around your mouth. But the most common fillers today are products that contain substances similar to hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the body. It helps increase volume in your lips.

These types of dermal fillers are sometimes called "hyaluronic acid fillers." Hyaluronic acid fillers can improve the appearance of your lips by adding:

  • Shape
  • Structure
  • Volume

The effects typically last around six –nine months. After that more injections are needed to keep the volume of your lips.

Question Does it hurt?
Answer Lip injections can be uncomfortable, however at our clinic we use a numbing cream which freezes your lips so that you do not feel the needle prick. For >99% of our patients, this treatment is sufficient and they do not need any other treatment. If necessary, we can give local anesthesia to completely numb the lips and then you do not feel anything at all.
Question How long does it last?
Answer Lip fillers last about 6-9 months. The exact time varies from person to person.
Question Will I be swollen?
Answer Following your lip injections you will have some swelling. It is very minimal and unrecognizable. It is recognizable in the fact that the next day when the swelling subsides, you will notice that your lips look a little smaller than they looked right after the injections. There is rarely any bruising or excessive swelling that gives away the fact you had a lip enhancement done.

Tired Eyes, Tear Troughs and Dark Circles

If you always look tired even after you've had a good night's sleep it can be disheartening and make you look older than your years. Tear Trough Treatment is a non-surgical ten minute eye-lift that can restore your looks instantly.

As we age the delicate skin under the eye becomes lax and the cheek fat descends into the middle of the face leaving semi-circular creases and depressions known as tear troughs. These depressions make the eyes look 'sunken' and produce the illusion of darkening around the eyes resulting in 'dark circles' or 'tired eyes'.

Dermal fillers are now used to eliminate the hollows you may have beneath your eyes and bring them back from the depths. By lifting these depressions it can take away the tired appearance and lighten the dark circles caused by shadowing. Introduced under the skin using very fine needles, fillers re-create the plump, firm foundation your delicate under eye area had previously.

Tear Trough Rejuvenation

The tear trough is the groove at the junction between the lower eyelid and the cheek. As we age, one of the changes which is commonly noticed and commented on is the appearance and gradual worsening of dark circles under the eyelids. In youth, due to the surrounding plump fat, thicker overlying skin and soft tissue surrounding this structure, this ligament is usually invisible. However, with age thinning of the skin occurs, leading to increased visibility of this deep attachment between the skin and orbital rim- the so called tear trough deformity.

Tear Trough Filler Treatment

When tear trough deformities are present, an injectable dermal filler can be used to correct them. The fillers used are new generation of hyaluronic acid fillers from two of the world leaders in surgical and non-surgical aesthetic products. They use a specially formulated type of hyaluronic acid (HA) that exists naturally in your skin, It's a natural, biodegradable gel that flows easily and smoothly into your skin, instantly filling out those troublesome lines leaving a smooth and natural look and feel. So, you'll notice an immediate difference after just one treatment.

What to expect?

The results with dermal fillers are instant. After the procedure has been carried out the treated area may be slightly red and/or slightly swollen, however you can resume normal activities, drive yourself home or return to work immediately after the treatment.

The results typically last 9-12 months although the exact length of time will depend on the structure of your skin and other factors such as lifestyle, age and the degree of perfection demanded by the individual.

Additional touch up treatments can be performed at any time after the initial treatment.

Exclusive - Facial Rejuvenation without Surgery

The 8-point facelift is a comprehensive, non-invasive rejuvenation programme which is offered by Dr. Vivek Mehta at Pulastya Skin Clinic & Laser Centre, New Delhi. Developed by Dr. Mauricio de Maio from Brazil the "8 Point Approach" is a revolutionary new way to achieving a non-surgical face lift without any downtime. In fact, this technique is now our most popular treatment.

The concept of restoring volume and structure in the face to give the skin the support it needs is now very well-established - the days of just filling lines and creases should be long gone. Better understanding of the compartments of the face and the patterns of volume loss has meant that our ability to rejuvenate and beautify the face has become much more sophisticated.

Lifting effect with Dermal Fillers

The 8-point facelift is a technique for creating a lifting effect using the smallest amount of dermal filler material. It is a subtle and elegant method which can deliver a very pleasing effect:

  • looks and feels very natural - not a 'fake' or 'over-done' look
  • enhances and lifts the structure, shape and dynamics of the face
  • also smoothes the skin, reducing lines and wrinkles
  • gives a general brightening effect
  • reduces of dark circles or under-eye hollows
  • offers improvement in the jowl and jawline
  • helps skin look younger for longer

The 8 point treatment encompasses:

  • cheek structure, volume and definition
  • tear troughs, which can create a tired appearance
  • nose to mouth contours
  • downward smile
  • jowl area and jawline


QuestionIs it right for me?
Answer The "8-point facelift" is ideal for patients who have a little skin laxity. If you are over the age of 35 it is almost certain that you would see a benefit with this. Often a very subtle treatment can have a striking effect and in addition, it will help keep your skin in good condition for the longer term.

If there is more severe laxity then a good result is still achievable but more filler material and a different technique may be required for best results.

QuestionIs it expensive?
Answer The 8-point facelift is the most cost-effective method we have found for delivering results with a minimal use of injectable product. The skill is in knowing where and how to place the injections in order to influence the facial structure.
Question How fast does it work?
Answer As the 8-point facelift uses facial filler injections, the effects are immediate. Patients are always surprised just how much difference a few tiny injections can make.
Question What about after-effects?
Answer Using top brand modern fillers means that most of the time there are minimal or no after-effects. A little short term swelling or bruising is possible and the pin pricks where the injections are placed may show, but there are very short term effects which are easily disguised with makeup.